Poster session
The seventh CDT-CMP Annual Conference was held on 17 September 2021 at University of Bath. The Conference was primarily an in-person event held in a spacious venue with plenty of room for social distancing. However, remote participation was also possible via Zoom, and one of the invited speakers gave their talk from Madrid. This was the first time the CDT CMP group had all got together (in person) since before the pandemic struck in March 2020.
The day-long conference was an excellent opportunity for student researchers to present their work and many fruitful discussions emerged. The programme included nine short talks contributed by CDT-CMP and CMP-PhD+ students. Students also presented their research in poster sessions during extended coffee and lunch breaks. After the Conference, many participants took the opportunity to socialise in a local bar/café.
Invited external speakers Prof. Hermann Suderow from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Matt Bristow from Tokamak Energy gave thought-provoking talks followed by engaging Q&A sessions.
At the end of the conference a panel decided the winners for the best talk and the best poster prizes.
A talk titled “Optical activity in harmonic Rayleigh scattering” by Lukas Ohnoutek (Bath) won the prize for best talk and it is now available for viewing via the video icon below.
The prize for the best poster went to Morgan Grant (Bristol) for the poster titled “Observation of the nonlinear Meissner effect in the ironbased superconductor LaFePO”.
Special thanks and tokens of appreciation were given to the students who helped with the organisation of the conference – Morgan Grant (Bristol) and Will Luckin (Bath).
All talks from the conference are available on a private YouTube channel and the link can be requested from the CDT-CMP Manager.