CDT-CMP involved in the Sutton Trust Scheme

As part of the Sutton Trust scheme, a group of talks were hosted at the University of Bristol to a group of high achieving prospective A-level students. These talks were given by members of the CDT-CMP and covered the subjects of 2D materials (Charlie Hall & Aitor Garcia), magnetism and superconductivity (Chris Bell) and x-rays and neutrons (Jude Laverock & Richard Waite).

A workshop on superconductivity and magnetism was given by Tom Saunderson, Liam Farrar and Charlie Hall. This involved demonstrating some of the basics learned in undergraduate physics, such as showing a magnet fall slowly down a copper pipe, ferrofluid moving in a magnetic field and the zero resistance of a superconductive wire. The workshop was finished with the ‘student favourite’ superconducting train.

The students have since given fantastic feedback on the course. Of the 13 students that attended the Sutton Trust scheme in Bristol last year, 12 are joining Bristol as undergraduates in September!